Thank goodness, the English won again this year and beat the French. The person who had the highest score last year but was on the loosing side was top scorer for the English this time so a prize for him. I think everyone enjoyed it and the results will be on the notice board next shoot. The bottom stand was quite hard and even good shooters were only getting low scores on that stand. The wind always changes after the shoot has been set up and often changes how the clays fly. We raised £32 on the raffle of the bottle of whiskey, the person who won it was well pleased. Three small boys who came with Mum and Dad did a lot of picking up of clays on the field after the shoot finished, our thanks goes to them. Will the smokers please put butts in the bins and not leave them as food for the sheep and lambs. It is also very dry at the moment and perhaps one not fully put out could cause a fire in the rushes. We are not burning our rubbish for that reason, no sparks to set fire to the moor. Prizes not claimed next shoot from the Manorlands event will be raffled next time. Both lots of raffle money as usual goes to Manorlands. Shoot prices will be up for visitors next time as our costs have increased just like the supermarket, fuel, utilities etc. Prices stay the same for our loyal members. We don't run as a business but we still have rent, insurance to pay as well as clays, cartridges and other expenses. Thank you to all who support our club.