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4th June 2023

Yet another sunny day, even short sleeves. We had a good turn out again and lots of smiling faces. One of the stands I found hard but others seemed to do well on it. The helper who is usually in charge of setting up was on holiday so it gave the others chance to try out different birds and it kept everyone on their toes. Our young member was top score yet again. We will all have to try harder. The cows seemed to want to join in yesterday so it gave someone training in herding them out of the way. We are used to the sheep being around and they mostly leave when shooting starts. Only one some time ago which insisted on trying to squeeze into the cage with a shooter and watch the clays from there. It took some shooing off. It was a training day on the desk for booking in and although it didn't go perfectly it went pretty well. Please will you all take note that booking on stops at 11.30am so that everyone can finish shooting and then the helpers can shoot without being responsible for visitors on the ground. It means a more relaxing time for them and they certainly earn that. Our next shoot is the one where we celebrate the Duke of Wellington winning the Battle of Waterloo. Everyone shoots as normal and visitors are still welcome but it adds interest to our Sunday morning shoot. Hope to see you all there.



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